Tag: Focus

  • How Go Low Is Helping Golfers Regain Their Confidence, Composure, and Focus –

    [ad_1] Although many sports require athletes to make split-second decisions, golf is a slow-paced game that requires careful planning and focus before making every swing. Fundamentals are essential in golf, but even more so is being mentally capable to block out distractions prior to a shot. In this exclusive interview, we get to share with…

  • Terpenes To Boost Energy And Focus –

    [ad_1] Terpenes have been evaluated for their medicinal potential. While their physiological effects differ, most of them can be classified as stimulants or sedatives. We’ll look at three botanical and cannabis terpenes that are known to serve as stimulants and support memory, focus, and energy in this post. What are terpenes and what do they…