
Rheez. Welcome to VENTS! Can you tell us a little about your latest single, PTSD?

Thank you! So the tune is basically a recollection of many events during this mad covid period in our lives, all sorts of experiences rendered through melodies. Seen a lot of losses during this time and the song goes through that, I stand on losses always being lessons and I think the song goes through that, definitely suggest running it to get the bigger picture of my message.

Many artists wouldn’t be so lyrically bold and candid; do you think that gives you an edge in the industry?
Quite possibly I was raised on more substantial story tellers like Nas, Devlin, Biggie, therefore in all my songs, something with a message will be left, I hope my story defines my difference in this game.

In your opinion, what’s worth more, honesty or originality?

I feel like both are essential, if you’re not being honest or original than you may as well sit and watch those who are… I say that not to put shade on anyone being inspired by something or someone, but I definitely believe in, be your truest self in life, and you can’t go wrong. 

Can you tell us a little about your experience on X-Factor?

Coming from where I’m from ain’t nothing going on for artists like myself, I went to the show completely myself, learned a thing or two, but that was more of an egg on from my close people, I ain’t really the biggest fan of that platform, in all honesty. 

What’s the trap scene like in your hometown?

There are a few people trying, Moongod, Eddie Fresco, Caro, we all coming from a place where it’s easy to be misunderstood in your craft, but I’ll be the change.

Which artist has had the biggest impact on your sound?

In this single particular, I was very inspired by Gunna, M Huncho, Wewantwraiths & Nafe Smallz, I think their sound is sick, and wanted to dabble my own touch from the sound. 

Following the release of PTSD, what is next?

You ain’t ready, bro! Haha, nah all confidence aside, Universe willing got a lot more to come from me this year, it’s no days off in this right now, so I’d keep your eyes and ears open for what’s next, got a track called ‘True Wounds’ release date announced soon. Respect man! 






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