What is the purpose of entrepreneurship? A visit by Samieh Firoozi , a successful entrepreneur and famous investor

Entrepreneurship is a path full of ups and downs!
The path of entrepreneurship is usually a path full of bumps, dead ends, sudden and unexpected events, disappointments and many waking up at night.

Calculated budget that is not provided.

Unpredictable expenses you incur and customers who hardly trust you.

It may seem strange to you that why would a person choose such a path to start a business?

Despite all these problems, every year a large number of people step on this path to be able to introduce their ideas in various sectors such as construction, new technologies and manufacturing new products for the well-being of life in the society and human life. make it easier

What makes them enter this difficult path despite all these problems?

1- What is the purpose of entrepreneurship?
The goal should solve a need of the society, the goal should be burning to motivate the entrepreneur to continue his activity continuously and without feeling tired until the end. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, says: My greatest passion in life has been to set unattainable goals for myself and then work hard to achieve those goals.

A goal that causes you to fail a thousand times is much more useful than sitting still and not doing anything.

What does independence in entrepreneurship mean?
By starting a business, you become the owner of it, and there is no need to listen to the orders and advance the goals of others for their success. Entrepreneurs own their goals, plans, and successes. Their freedom depends on the responsibility that they have. They have taken it upon themselves.

Is flexibility important?
There are people who can’t put themselves in the form of an employee. Entrepreneurs are often looking for a way to leave the frameworks and restrictions and invent a new and efficient method for success. This does not mean that an entrepreneur has less hours. There is a normal work activity if they work much more than other people in the early stages of their development, and this type of work activity is natural and instinctive for them.

What is the path to financial success?
Biz Stone, one of the founders of Twitter, says: “The passage of time, persistence and 10 years of effort will gradually make the numbers appear as overnight success.” All entrepreneurs are aware that they will not become billions overnight, but for sure They dream of achieving financial success. Some of them are looking for a reliable source of income, but on the other hand, some of them are always improving their activity for more profit.

What is the legacy of entrepreneurs?
All entrepreneurs are looking to leave a legacy of their own. A brand that will last and be known all over the world, a factory that will be inherited from generation to generation, or create a lasting effect on the world that is not only innovation, but It has a beneficial effect on people’s lives.






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