Charles’ coronation will be held at great expense

According to Hindustan Times, about 150 million pounds of this amount will be spent on the deployment of police officers and security measures for the ceremony, and the rest of this astronomical budget will be spent on stage preparations and three consecutive days of the ceremony. The coronation ceremony of Charles III will be held on the 6th of May with the presence of a large number of high-ranking officials from different countries and international artists and singers.

This is while the cost of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953 was 1.57 million pounds, but according to published reports, the British government had estimated the cost of security measures at 100 million pounds, but now it had to increase this figure to 150 million pounds. to take care of John Charles III, the 74-year-old King of England.

Also, for such a ceremony, a special air traffic control program has been set up for the flight and landing of high-ranking officials; An action that will probably lead to protests related to climate change, and the British government, fearing these possible protests, has thought of security arrangements with such exorbitant costs.

According to various media reports, the British government will deploy a large number of armed officers at the venue of the ceremony to prevent potential protests by climate activists, and at the same time, police drones will monitor the crowd. Apart from these, special forces will be on standby with Blue Thunder 2 helicopters as part of the UK’s Counter-Terrorism Defense Mechanism.

The English newspaper Mirror wrote in a report referring to these space costs: only an amount of 150 million pounds or maybe more will be spent on security measures. The budget is crazy; But anyway, this is one of the biggest public events in recent history. Thousands of people will participate in this event. The entry of high-ranking officials into the country and reaching their residences is a hellish operation! They will most likely be protected by the police.

Mark Scolar, security expert and tactical commander of Prince William and Harry’s wedding, said: £150 million is too much! I just think that the final price will be even higher because the cost of such ceremonies and the work that is done is huge. On the coronation day, several units will be deployed in high numbers in the country. Even the efforts of the ambulance and fire service will be multiplied.


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