Terrible fire in western Canada

Thousands of people in western Canada have been forced to flee their homes as wildfires raged as temperatures soared above the seasonal average of 10 degrees Celsius at times in early May, local officials said.

CGTN reported that the latest Canadian government surveys indicate that western and central Canada, where a large part of Canada’s agricultural land is concentrated, is currently in “abnormally dry” and even “drought” conditions. severe” is located.

In Alberta, the region hardest hit by wildfires, more than 70 active fires were reported Friday in the province, with several burning out of control.

Officials in this province have announced that 13,000 residents of Alberta have been ordered to evacuate. The main focus is on the Fox Lake area in northern Alberta, where about 1,500 hectares have burned and a small community of 20 homes has also been destroyed.

“British Columbia” on the coast of the Pacific Ocean is doubly damaged and several fires are active in this province, while the south of this province is threatened by the rapid melting of snow, which will cause the surface level to rise and the rivers to overflow.

According to local officials, heavy rainfall over the next few days is likely to worsen the situation in the province of British Columbia.

Provincial officials announced in a statement: “Several days of unusually warm temperatures have caused rapid snowmelt and rapid water flow in most parts of British Columbia, and flooding is possible in some areas.”

In the continuation of this statement, it is stated: “There is a possibility of floods and heavy floods in the areas that are facing heavy rainfall.”

In recent years, Western Canada has been repeatedly affected by extreme weather events that have increased in intensity and frequency due to global warming.

In addition to catastrophic flooding, British Columbia was hit by the effects of a historic heat dome two years ago that killed hundreds of people and caused massive wildfires.





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