10 European countries demanded to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes

The diplomatic delegations of 10 European countries asked the Zionist regime to end the confiscation of Palestinian lands and the destruction of their houses in the West Bank.

According to the report of the Zionist newspaper “Yediot Aharonot”, the consulates of Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, as well as the representative office of the European Union in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, have signed this joint statement.

The said delegations asked the Zionist regime to “stop the operation of confiscating lands and demolishing [houses] and allow humanitarian organizations to access the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, without obstacles.”

The agencies also “requested the return or compensation of approximately 1.29 million euros of humanitarian equipment and facilities that were destroyed, destroyed or confiscated since 2015.”

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, is leading a radical and extremist cabinet in the occupied Palestinian territories, which, by adopting anti-Palestinian positions, builds settlements on Palestinian land and destroys Palestinian homes.


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