Google has changed

Google has made a change in the interface of its search engine on the desktop so that you can access topics related to that search and perform new searches. This feature, which can be seen below the search box, is now rolling out worldwide.

According to The Verge, if you search for a term on Google, you’ll now see several topics for re-searching below the search box to help you complete your initial search. In the past, there was a row of tabs that provided access to different parts of the search engine, such as Images or Videos, but now these options are also included among the topics related to your current search.

Google first released this feature in December for the mobile version of its search engine, and last month we saw the release of this feature for the English language in the United States. But now the global release of this feature has begun.

By the looks of it, clicking on any topic will add it to your search. For example, if you search for WWDC 2023, topics like Keynote will be suggested. If you click on this topic, your search will be changed to WWDC 2023 Keynote. With this change, Google can make more searches easier on its engine and help users complete searches.

Not long ago, Google unveiled the new SGE service at its developers conference, which provided answers to searches through productive artificial intelligence. It seems that today’s change has been applied in line with the same changes.





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