Ways to get more work for freelance graphic artists from Aryan Khodakarami

Aryan Khodakarami, a famous Iranian singer, started making a professional album in 2018, which has recently been shared on the most prestigious platforms and has been met with a unique reception from people. The remarkable thing about him is that besides being a good singer, Aryan is also known as a creative and impressive graphic designer.

Aryan Khodakarami: “All your success in choosing a suitable profile begins with focusing on two points. Those two points are that you should first ask yourself these questions:

  1. In what field of work do I want to be recognized?
  2. To whom do I want to provide my services?

Specifying the answer to these two questions is very important and will bring you a few steps closer to your goal. So determine now in what field you want to be known and who you are going to serve, so that you can focus all your attention on finding the right path. Imagine you want to get a book cover design project. The keyword “book cover designer” can be a good place to start and help you attract your target customers. But more importantly, how are you going to attract them?

The next step is to invest time and work and try to make your skills known to the world. For example, create a website and put your portfolio on it. Or to join various social media and start working to be known among your audience.”


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